Thursday, October 16, 2008

stitching a button
this coat another year
another child


Beatrice V said...

Beautiful (global recession inspired?:)

nora said...

Thanks, Beatrice. We DID have a massive layoff at work yesterday. I am a fortunate, but saddened survivor.

I am also fortunate to have two daughters, so clothes get recycled, to the chagrin of the younger. :-)

Pan Haiku Review said...

What a wonderful haiku. It's perfect on every level. Extremely well-crafted, and giving us that special 'wordlessness' that haiku can give, but still lend so many levels of understanding.

This is a very memorable haiku.

I'm sorry that so many of your collegues have been laid off.

nora said...

Thanks for your kind praise, Alan. A real-life vignette.

Möme said...

I really love this one, Nora! I agree with Alan.

nora said...

Thanks so much, mome!

John McDonald said...

absolutely delightful -
sorry to be late I was on hols. when this was posted

nora said...

I hope you had a wonderful holiday, John.